Wedding Cravats And Waistcoats Burgundy And Pink Wedding?

Burgundy and pink wedding? - wedding cravats and waistcoats

I love burgundy and pink, and I want my wedding colors for next year, but how can I take over.

I thought, with 2 bridesmaids in pink and burgundy two. and cutting of men aged pink tie and brown or burgundy jacket with pink details.

I very beautiful burgundy and pink, but all this work? I can not see pictures of someone who has done this.



jacket22... said...

I think not. Burgundy is more than a rose, it's winter and more than one color of spring. I do not work

Trixie said...

I've seen .... ONCE. It can make very nice if tasteful. Do not be discouraged if someone do what you do. Some advice here, although most children do not really pink, so try the boys in Burgundy as much as you can keep the pink cloth or something in his buttonhole. For girls, there are some options ... The first is that girls 'self' (part two dresses, one can see how he could look at the site of the future wife of David) is the bottom is burgundy and the top is pink and add an accent over the the Background color fold (the band or a scarf) are examples. Another possibility is that a lot of pink clothes and is just add a belt or a different accent Burgundian other possibility that the girl / MatrIn honor of Burgundy and the other ladies in pink. Be sure to find complementary colors.
Combine Last tip: They all have two colors on its territory.

suellenh said...

I like the color choice. We could consider all people with Burgundy tuxedo jackets and ties, make increasing buttonholes on the subject. Too much effort to the men, as you have suggested, would distract dress and the groom, and after all, it's both. I dress as women and have darker shades of pink flowers, lighter, so you really against her clothes in the pictures. Again, less is more - do not look away. Smart is always in style, while fashion and it is not far-fetched.

★ said...

that would be great. Some centers of Burgundy, and some roses.

Lydia said...

Love it! Especially since you mentioned Dusty Rose - which is the best of Burgundy. Make sure it is a purple-Burgundy, not a red Burgundy (also different types of designations such as wine, red wine, etc.) in a way similar colors.
It would be great, that the witnesses are in gray - gray, or pigeon or coal - the perfect match for the color.

JellyBea... said...

This is very close to what I did for my wedding in June, we have different shades of pink (to help ensure effective control of light in the darkness), but dark colors are very similar to Burgundy i. And I do not have many pictures of this, we worked on our own ideas. Go to also helps with a little "Pink on Pink themed events in its" real weddings "section, which to me good ideas. I would be happy to provide images shares a few months if you want!

The_answ... said...

Very nice colors! This is your wedding to go with him. Both colors are beautiful and you can throw a little green around, then it would be wonderful. However, you can with an old rose.

hi said...

ewww n

peggin_b... said...

Why not find a material that produced the colors that you brought them together like, and the clothes?
Make it a sense of the west and find the same impression. Intwine colors for all /

green eyes said...

Please no children wear something pink

frkaboo7... said...

I think it would be better for the women in men in pink and burgundy and share ... BTW I have tons of weddings, and I have never seen these two colors together very original

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