Oscar Food Processor Why Dose My Oscar Eat Some Food And Then Eat Food Off The Bottom After?

Why dose my oscar eat some food and then eat food off the bottom after? - oscar food processor

if I put my Oscar eats food, but not all years HES during the search for food in bottom.why


CheeryCa... said...

have your Tiger or Red Oscar Albino
My albinos have difficulty seeing your food, but there are basically
tigre my red bionic eye and has no problems finding food as soon as it hits the water.
even with the power to hand

Glen Eric said...

Have you not just ask this question?

Nevertheless, it is probably too lazy like me and prefer it that food is downstairs eating helpless. I know I do not consider myself busy and to get the food away from me worried, because the traffic in the filter. lol.

DopeFien... said...

Cuz the use of the word

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